Monday, May 16, 2016

The Purity Of God's Word

Memory Verse: "Saul said to him, '...I have performed the commandment of the Lord...I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag king of Amalek; I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites.'" (1 Sam.15:13,20, NKJV)

Scripture Reading: 1 Sam.15:1-35.

Saul was confident that he had thoroughly "carried out the Lord's instructions." But the evidence proved that he was wrong! He had deceived himself!

God's instructions had been clear. Yet Saul had reinterpreted them, and even justified his reinterpretation. He was not committed to obeying Him, but developed his own version of God's words.

How easily we can be like Saul. Thinking that we have heard from God. Presuming to know His will. Quick to justify our own actions. Reinterpreting His Word to meet our own needs, or fit our own prejudices. How subtly this can corrupt our hearts and minds!

This reminds us why it is so important to start everything with God Himself. He is not an idol that we can manipulate but the sovereign Creator. He has given us His principles by which we are to live but also gives us the choice about how to respond.

If we want to be people after His heart, we must seek to deepen our personal relationship with Him, putting everything else aside. Being humble in His presence. Ever listening. Always learning. We will desire to know the Bible intimately, and hunger for the purity of His Word.

Right now, commit to living the God-first lifestyle. Seek first His Kingdom. Ask Him to reveal His truth to you personally. Read His Word prayerfully with a new sense of humility. Hunger to hear from Him, with ears open to hear from Him, and not to support your interpretations.

Seek to be His servant. And submit your life to Him, unconditionally.

Ponder Point: Satan's greatest weapon is man's ignorance of God's word.

Action Point: Seek to discover the undiluted Word of God for yourself.

Prayer: Father, give me a hunger and a thirst for the purity of Your Word. I want to hear from You clearly. Help me to invest my time in the study of Your Word in Jesus name, Amen. 

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