Scripture Reading: Gen.7:1-24.
This story is one that vividly makes the salvation experience very real to me. Noah's experience while in the ark mirrors the advantages that accrues to the believer by virtue of [coming into the ark of] salvation. It gives us an edge. It keeps us shut in.
This story is one that vividly makes the salvation experience very real to me. Noah's experience while in the ark mirrors the advantages that accrues to the believer by virtue of [coming into the ark of] salvation. It gives us an edge. It keeps us shut in.
Noah was shut in away from all the world by the hand of divine love.
The door of electing purpose interposes between us and the world which lies in the hands of the wicked one. We are not of the world even as our Lord Jesus was not of the world. Into the sin, the gaiety, the pursuits of the multitude we cannot enter; we cannot play in the streets of vanity with the children of darkness, for our heavenly Father has shut us in, safe and away from the world.
The door of electing purpose interposes between us and the world which lies in the hands of the wicked one. We are not of the world even as our Lord Jesus was not of the world. Into the sin, the gaiety, the pursuits of the multitude we cannot enter; we cannot play in the streets of vanity with the children of darkness, for our heavenly Father has shut us in, safe and away from the world.
Noah was shut in with his God. "Come thou into the ark," was the Lord's invitation, by which He clearly showed that he himself intended to dwell in the ark with His servant and family. Thus all the chosen dwell in God and God in them. Let us never be inattentive to that gracious call before it is too late.
Noah was so shut in that no evil could reach him. Floods did but lift him heavenward, and winds did but waft him on his way. Outside the ark was all but ruin, but inside was all rest and peace. Without Christ we perish, but in Christ Jesus there is perfect safety. Noah was so shut in that he could not even desire to come out and those who are in Christ Jesus are in him forever. They shall go no more out forever, for eternal faithfulness has shut them in, and infernal malice cannot drag them out.
The Prince of the house of David shutteth and no man openeth (see Rev.3:7); and when its time, as Master of the house, He shall rise up and shut the door, it will be in vain for mere professors (talkers) to knock, and cry Lord, Lord open unto us, for that same door which shuts in the wise virgins will shut out the foolish forever (see Matt.25:1-13).
Therefore, Lord, shut me in by thy grace should be our prayer, today and always.
Therefore, Lord, shut me in by thy grace should be our prayer, today and always.
Ponder Point: Without Christ we perish, but in Christ Jesus there is perfect safety.
Action Point: Guard your relationship with the Lord jealously.
Prayer Point: LORD, by Your grace of salvation, please keep me shut in and empower me to stay shut in till the last day in Jesus name, Amen.
Glory to God.