Monday, August 29, 2016

The Identity Question (I)

Memory Verse: "...Who are you?" (Jn.1:19, NHEB)

Scripture Reading: Jn.1:19-23.

If there is one major crisis in our world today, it is the identity problem: people not being able to define who they really are! Little wonder there is confusion everywhere; for the presence of identity crisis is the mark of invitation for confusion and frustration. 

Our Scripture reading for today centers around John. We see that he was able to define correctly who he was! How about you: who are you? This is one vital question we must answer individually. Anyone that fails to answer this question correctly would never amount to much in life.

Our ability to answer this question correctly gives us a sense of purpose and direction which consequently informs our actions even as believers. When we know who we are, we automatically would discern Who we belong to. And our knowledge of whose we are would control our lifestyle.

Refuse to be counted among those with identity crisis: It is a risk! Identity crisis is the cause of spiritual unfaithfulness in the body of Christ today. It is high time we stop doing things that aren't christian-like if we profess to be believers.

The question is not what you do, but 'Who Are you?' There are a lot of actors and actresses in the kingdom today. For instance, there are people who attend church consistently but still find time to be at the night club by weekend. There are some believers who combine God with other gods. Stop sitting on the fence (see Ps16 4).

If someone ever looked at you and asked, "Are you a Christian?" then you have to check yourself. If someone had ever asked you: "Are you born again? Do you go to church?" You have to examine your life. The Bible says, our lives are meant to be living epistles. People are meant to see the Bible in us. What verse of Scripture can one read from your life?

Are you a 'compromiser' or a hypocrite? Are you an Ambassador for Christ according to 2 Chron.5:20. If you say you are, can your closest friend confirm it? Can your boss in the office confirm it? Can your subordinate confirm it? Can your driver confirm it? Can your spouse confirm it? How about your servants and children, can they agree with your profession of being a believer? Most importantly, can you tell yourself that you're a believer?

Ponder Point: A confused identity is the signature for eternity in hell.

Action Point: Discover your identity in Christ.

Prayer Point: In the Name of Jesus Christ, I refuse the devil to mess up my life with the wrong identity.

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