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Memory Verse: "Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise." (Heb.10:23, NLT)
Scripture Reading: Rm.4:17-25.
Perhaps the last three reasons weren't enough; here's a fourth:
Perhaps the last three reasons weren't enough; here's a fourth:
- God's faithfulness is greater than your circumstances.
This one is my favourite. My very favourite. As I type this, I want to scream!
Personally, I do not trust people easily until I have subjected you to several tests and you prove yourself trustworthy. Friends, God has proven Himself. He is trustworthy. I say this confidently and I can stake my life for this statement of truth.
How do you know when your faith is growing? When your faith is built on God's character and faithfulness, rather than on your circumstances.
When we base our faith on our circumstances, we tend to only trust God as far as the "good times" can take us. But when our faith is growing, we begin to trust Him even in the difficult times. Why? Because we are beginning to learn that God doesn't change just because our circumstances keep changing. And the more this reality of God's faithfulness consumes our spirit, the more peace and contentment we experience on a daily basis.
As the apostle Paul said, "I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation." (Phil.4:12).
By basing your faith on God's faithfulness; you imbibe the virtue of contentment with God not only in the good times but also during the not-so-good times, rest assured that He cannot deny Himself.
I conclude with this verse of scripture (one of my very favourite): "If we are faithless [do not believe and are untrue to Him], He remains true (faithful to His Word and His righteous character), for He cannot deny Himself." (2 Tim.2:13, AMP)
Meditate on these words. See yourself trusting God for that desire.
Today, tomorrow and forever, always remember that God CANNOT DENY Himself. Even if He wants to, He cannot because He has no capacity to be unfaithful.
Ponder Point: It is impossible for that man to despair who remembers that His Helper is omnipotent.
Action Point: Base your faith on the unchanging personality of God.
Prayer Point: Father, in my quest to learning how to trust You again, help me to trust Your Person rather than my prevailing circumstance in Jesus name, Amen.
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