Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Life That Overflows

Memory Verse: "There is one who [generously] scatters [abroad], and yet increases all the more; And there is the one who withholds what is justly due, but it results only in want and poverty. The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown]." (Prov.11:24-25, AMP)

Scripture Reading: Acts 9:36-42.

A life that overflows is the generous life. By implication, a selfish life stinks. Selfishness breeds stagnancy.

Generosity can be said to mean, the practical expression of love through giving. At the root of generosity is love.

We were born into love because our Father is love (see 1 Jn.4:16). Therefore, as believers, living a life that overflows to others should be an important part of our lives.

This is why:

We earn a living by what we make, but we earn the respect and gratitude of others and also build a lasting legacy by what we give.

The most giving people are the most appreciated people. Paul confirms this truth in Phil.4:10,14-15,18. Please, pause and read these verses. Bringing this truth home, you will agree with me that the people in your life you are most grateful for are the people who have invested their time, money, energy, love and patience in you. The people you are most grateful for are the people who have given the most to you.

Now let's flip the coin: are there people that are grateful for the impact of your generosity in their lives?

Our Scripture Reading this morning tells us of someone who people were grateful for the impact of her generosity in their lives: Tabitha (Dorcas). Her impact in their life was so much that it raised her from the dead because the people she impacted told Peter that she deserved to be alive and he prayed and she came back to life. Talk about the power of generosity.

Two things about generosity as I try to wrap up today's devotional:
  • Generosity is a sown seed. It will be reaped (Prov.11:25).
  • The signature of love is generosity. You cannot love and not give (Jn.3:16).
Let these two truths about generosity spur you to settle for a life that overflows to others (Gen.12:2). Let people thank God that you're alive and also let God's Kingdom here on earth feel the impact of your generosity.

In conclusion, allow me to give us a little assignment: I want us (yes, I too will do the assignment as well) to take time out today and thank the people who have been generous to us. You can thank them by calling them or writing a note and letting them know how they specifically invested in you and what it has meant in your life. 

Remember, we've been admonished to live a life that overflows to others? So doing this assignment will mark the beginning of that. This will show that you're being generous with your words. And trust me, if you sow appreciation, you'll reap it as well.

Ponder Point: A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.

Action Point: Be generous. Live a life that overflows to others and God's kingdom.

Prayer Point: O LORD, make me a channel of Your blessings to those around me and Your kingdom thereby empowering me to be a true reflection of Who You really are here on earth in Jesus name, Amen.

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