Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Pillars Of A Godly Life (I)

Memory Verse: "I follow close behind you..." (David in Ps.63:8, TLB)

Scripture Reading: Phil.3:10-14.

We live in a time of massive apostasy (see Jude 1:4). 

Apostasy means falling away- a great backsliding. At such a time as this, firebrands are becoming waterbrands. This is a time when many have been caught in the web of worldliness and ungodliness. Permit me to also say, "The world is becoming churchy and the church is becoming worldly."

At a time such as this, the need for spiritual pillars cannot be overemphasised.

Like physical buildings require pillars that hold them together, believers who happen to be God's building (see 1 Cor.3:9) also require spiritual pillars that would not only give them support and strength but also hold their faith in place.

It is on this note that I will be sharing with us for the next couple of days from my heart some pillars that keep me going. And today, I'll be beginning with the most important spiritual pillar:
  • Keep Company With The Almighty.
I wish I could stress this enough. This is the strongest of all pillars. This one gives meaning to all the other pillars I will be sharing with us in the coming days.

God's company is refreshing, I tell you. It shouldn't be traded for anything or person in the world. I love His company so much that I often desire to be alone so we can talk (not issuing out requests but having intimate conversations). We get to sit down together (I offer Him a seat and I'm like, Lord, come sit with me) or we stroll together in the evenings or at night (depending on the environment) and I'm like, Lord, come walk with me. And what happens? I might not see Him appear physically but almost immediately, I sense His presence. Very strong and thick. How do I know?

Here's what I've discovered companying with the Almighty will do for you:
  1. Your errors are exposed. God's company will bring to light those things capable of sending you to hell and ofcourse, you are given the opportunity to repent of them.
  2. His fear becomes multiplied in your life because as you experience His Almightiness, your reverence for Him increases.
  3. You enjoy unhindered access to His secrets. You also learn His ways and principles.
  4. He gives you a personal revelation of Himself. Your knowledge of God is no longer founded on another's revelation.
  5. You take on His character. You'll notice that some negative characters you once had just begins to drop off you.
  6. Your focus, vision and priorities are re-ordered. You get to a point where God Himself begins to re-direct your steps. Much more, He begins to choose your friends and inner circle for you.
These benefits I just shared with us as a result of engaging this first pillar are first-hand experiences in my little life. And I'm so confident that there's at least one person reading this that agrees with me. This has been my experience for sometime now and the goodnews is that, it can be yours too. These things can happen in your own life too, if you choose to embrace this pillar whole-heartedly and make it a part of your daily life.

Remember, God's always waiting for our invitation. Go ahead and make Him the most intimate person in your life.

Ponder Point: Your sin will keep you from building intimacy with the Father or your intimacy with God will keep you from sin.

Action Point: Desire and build intimacy with God.

Prayer Point: O Lord, draw me closer in deep intimacy with You in Jesus name, Amen.

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