Tuesday, September 27, 2016

When A Relationship Ends

Memory Verse: "Demas has deserted me because he loves the things of this life.." (2 Tim.4:10, AMP)

Scripture Reading: 2 Cor.6:14-18. 

It is tough when a close friend leaves us, especially if we never really had a chance to understand the reason for their sudden departure. 

Our recovery from the loss depends on the length of time of the friendship. 

A longer, more intimate relationship will take more time than a shorter one. It is important for us to allow the Spirit of God to comfort and encourage us during these times.

We can spend too much time trying to figure out what went wrong and not enough time seeking out God's insight. 

Sweets, the Lord will allow some friendships to end, especially if they are not helpful to us growing closer to Him. He will allow relationships to break if we are the unhealthy part of it as well. 

Yes darling, I know it's painful and No, God ain't wicked, but trust me, you will thank God in the end! 

In Paul's case, Demas left him because his love for the world was greater than his love for God. Whatever the reason, the loss of a close companion is painful.

Rejection from those who've left us can be overcome. We will eventually find ourselves removed emotionally from the loss and able to recuperate. Jesus was in close and intimate connection with the disciples. Yet when He needed them most, every single one of them took off (see the entire chapter of Mathew 26). Even so, Jesus received them back after the resurrection.

I know how bad you wanted that relationship to work, but it didn't and now you're hurting because you miss that person. I understand the pain of losing someone very dear to death but sweetheart, I want you to turn to the Lord. He is comfort to those who find themselves friendless and heart broken because He knows what it feels like. He desires to use the gaping wound in our hearts to bring us closer to Him. And this was what He used my loss to do for me. For only then will we learn to find Jesus Christ as a friend Who is closer than any relative or friend. We will find Him to be a private and trusted Confidante Who knows our heart and intentions. As a result of this friendship and intimacy with Jesus, we forgive those who've hurt us and stay open to other friendships and relationships that are balanced and [spiritually] healthy for where Jesus is taking us to.

Can I get an Amen?!

Ponder Point: There is no learning, transformation or progress without the death of something.

Action Point: Trust God with whatever happens with your relationships at all levels.

Prayer Point: Jesus, my healer, heal my heart of every hurt and pain. I pray for Your peace and comfort to forgive and move on with the life You've called me to live in Jesus name, Amen.

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