Memory Verse: "What is faith? It is the confident assurance that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead." (Heb.11:1, TLB, Emphasis Added)
Scripture Reading: Job 14:7-9,14.
If there is one thing the Lord rewards, it is positive expectation (see Prov.23:18).
Living from a place of hope is the fruit of a life that is grounded in Christ. Why? Because Christ is hope personified (see Col.1:27). He is the hope that never disappoints! When we place our hopes and expectations in mere human beings, we will almost always be disappointed because God never designed that we place our hope in man (see Jere.17:5-8).
To live in true freedom, our hope must always be found in Christ alone (Ps.62:5). Disappointments sets in when we believe the lie that a person is worthy of our unwavering hope and confidence. This is not true, for no mortal can deliver on such high expectations; only God can.
Hopelessness is a by product of disillusionment. When you experience disappointment over and over again, your heart becomes black, bitter and calloused, and you lose sight of the true nature of God.
On the other hand, living from a place of hope means letting go of past disappointments and choosing to start afresh. It means allowing yourself to dream, to believe, and to expect extraordinary things. It also means expanding your vision and allowing yourself to believe for God's very best!
Let us always remember that Christ does not bring His people out of bondage only to lead them into a place of hopelessness. No. His will is for you to live in a place of hope, where He (not a mortal being) is the anchor of your soul.
It doesn't matter what dreams you've let go of, it doesn't matter what dreams you've deferred, it doesn't matter the disappointments you've had to go through in the past, it doesn't matter if your life appears bleak right now, Christ is saying to you, son, daughter, I am your hope therefore, you can hope again. You can believe again. You can dream again. You can live again.
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the root of disappointment and hopelessness in your life. Where and when did it begin for you? Let Him walk you through the pain of those difficult moments and circumstances, and bring healing to those wounds. Hopelessness is something that cripples our ability to be successful or to be truly happy, so it is vital that we deal with these issues in our hearts. Stop putting them off. You can let the tears flow but don't you give up until you get your fire back.
God wants you to hope again.
Ponder Point: Just because something isn't happening for you right now doesn't mean it would never happen.
Action Point: Hope again.
Prayer Point: Father, I ask that You expose the root of hopelessness and disappointments in my life. Take away the pain of past hurts that have caused me not to trust You. Wash away the brokenness of shattered dreams and deferred hopes. Let fresh rivers of hope be released into my heart in Jesus name, Amen.
This is motivating