Monday, October 03, 2016

Hello Past!

When the Lord spoke to me about living as a healer adding that He wants me to "comfort people with the same comfort He has comforted me,"
I had no idea what He was talking about until He started bringing them and I began to understand what the Lord meant. It was also during this time that I came to realise how passionate I am about broken people: people with a past, no matter how terrible.

It's not an easy thing to be someone with an ugly past: people will tag you, judge you, look down on you, see you as a misfit but it's a different story entirely when a person with a past (no matter how dirty) encounters Jesus Christ. This encounter signifies the beginning of his / her healing process. His word in Ps.147:3 (AMP Bible) says, "He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds [curing their pains and their sorrows]." 

However, there has to be a revealing first before the Lord can heal. The question now is, "Are we ready to reveal what Christ longs to heal?' We struggle with revealing because we're not yet ready to face our past. The danger of not revealing is that all these things from our past pile up as 'our secrets' and we continue to build walls around us thereby shutting people out (even Jesus can't come in). The issue with this is that we aren't able to receive and give the love we need that will encourage our healing and keep us from continuing in our mistakes; and the wall of shame coupled with the fact that we are walking in unforgiveness towards self keep us cripple and stagnant.

Until you heal the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed. You can bandage the bleeding with food, alcohol, drugs, work, church activities, cigarettes, sex, but eventually, it will all ooze through and stain your life and ultimately your relationships. You must find the strength to open the wounds, stick your hands inside, pull out the main subject of the pain that is holding you in your past, the memories, and make peace with it.

Say hello to your past! Thank God for Christ's forgiveness but it begins with self-forgiveness. Self-forgiveness is about the hardest thing to do but it is possible. It is possible to break free from the grip of self-guilt. Sweetheart, forgiving yourself no matter what you have done is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.

Refusing to forgive yourself is pride (I just learnt this and I will share this with us soon as this is not our focus for today). Sulking about your past only gets the devil excited and he will continue taunting you with thoughts and memories of your dirty past until your self-esteem is eroded and your next line of thought would be suicide: after all, you don't deserve to live (let's assume you were a murderer in the past)!

The truth is that the more we beat ourselves up for the things we have done in the past, the more we will repeat the actions. They will remain in our present and manifest in our future. You will not see yourself as worthy of having a better relationship, finishing your degree, loving the way you want, having loyal friends, and even experiencing a good life.

The earlier we realise that we cannot undo the past, the better off we'll be.

Almost everyone has a past, but they prefer to be quiet about it for fear of rejection. But you know what sweetheart, your past is what makes you unique as our stories (destinies) are different. And it is for the purpose of helping one another because your past maybe someone's current experience and when you meet the person, you simply pass the lessons on. Please, don't waste the lessons your past has taught you by refusing to forgive yourself.

The first step is to heal and find peace by spending time with yourself and God's word. Once you're able to do this, you will no longer be a victim of your past, but a victor.

It is then you will not continue the same patterns, you will learn to love yourself and others freely without fear or guilt. It is then you will be able to love the person you view everyday in the mirror and laugh at the past that once chained you down!

One of my favourite teachers, Joyce Meyer said, "hurting people hurt others." But when you've been able to conquer self-guilt by forgiving yourself after Christ has forgiven you, the infinite power of God's love and self love destroys every hurt.

This is when your healing process is completed and most assuredly, you're ready for the person God has been preparing you for.

Does this subject resonate with you? If it does, armed with this new light, I know you're ready to say hello to your past.

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