Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Christian Life

Memory Verse: "These things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (1 Jn.2:21, KJV)

Scripture Reading: Gal.2:20-21.

Ever wondered what the Christian life is all about? What is God's goal for us as Christians? What is expected of us?

The Christian's goal, John says quite frankly, is total sanctification, complete victory over sin in our own life.

John is not satisfied, neither is the Holy Spirit who inspired him to write these words, with a half-way Christianity. It is not good enough to live a more holy life than your neighbour next door; it is not good enough to simply avoid the "big" sins like murder, fornication or adultery.

No, John insists, my goal for you is for you to completely  mortify the sins that so easily beset you: pride, gluttony, worry, fear, selfishness, lying, stealing, cheating and lust should all meet with a zero-tolerance determination in our spirit. We should never be content to allow any sin set up camp in our heart without consistent opposition and a concerted effort to root it out.

But almost in the same breath, John also gives us this blessed reminder, knowing that sin will never be completely defeated this side of the grave: if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.

Although we are not righteous, Jesus Christ was perfectly righteous on our behalf. The Christian life, then is, a mixture of dissatisfaction with sinful self and complete satisfaction in the righteousness of Christ. It is striving and resting, improving and perfection.

Hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Your life as a Christian should make unbelievers question their disbelief in God. 

Sweethearts, let this be our goal: today, tomorrow and always.

Ponder Point: The Christian life is not a performance, an acting out or a profession. It is living the God-kind life- no longer I but Christ that lives in me.

Action Point: Live the God-kind of life.

Prayer Point: Father by the help of Your Spirit, I refuse to be the believer that will bring shame to Your Church, Your Name and Your Kingdom. I receive Your grace to be a light and a standard bearer in word and in deed in Jesus name, Amen.

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