Wednesday, October 05, 2016

The Secret of Spiritual Growth

Memory Verse: "Grow in grace and understanding of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ..." (2 Pet.3:18, MSG)

Scripture Reading: Heb.5:12-14, Heb.6:1.

When Steve turned eight, he looked like he was trapped inside
the body of a four-year-old. "My friends teased me and  called me 'Shorty,'" He said. "I felt terrible being so much shorter than my brother who was three years younger." 

His parents took him to see a pediatric endocrinologist. The doctor took his medical history, blood tests, x-rays, and measurements. 

Steve's parents were told that his body was not making enough growth hormone. Daily shots of human growth hormone helped Steve and he is now taller than his brother.

Reading through Heb.5:12-14 and Heb.6:1 can be very disturbing if you're not advancing spiritually.

A lot of believers are suffering from spiritual growth disorders. Spiritual growth disorders are conditions of abnormal growth in young believers. These disorders are caused by poor spiritual nutrition. Sadly, many of us are not perturbed. Seems we are comfortable with the situation.

Like Steve, until we become dissatisfied with our current level of growth, we might remain in the same level. Spiritual complacency is deadly and the truth is, it's affecting ministers of the gospel as well. The worst thing that can happen  to any congregation is to be pastored by a man or woman who's not growing spiritually.

I don't know of any sane parent that'd be glad to see their child/ren stunted in growth. The same way our Father in Heaven is hurt when we are not growing spiritually. 

God by His word to us this morning is calling us to spiritual growth.

What helped Jeremy? Daily shots of human growth hormone. In the same way, taking in daily shots of God's word is what will help us grow spiritually.

There maybe other 'secrets' to growing spiritually, but feeding fat on the word is the secret to spiritual advancement. Every other 'secret' is an offshoot from the word.

Here's an important tip for us this morning: A daily 10 minutes uninterrupted time in the word is better than going one hour once a month! Also, meditating on a verse daily and receiving new light from one verse is better than rushing through one chapter and battling with sleep in between. The point is, quality is better than quantity.

For as many desiring advancement spiritually (there's no end to it), this is a good place to begin.

Will you commit to at least 10 minutes today?

Ponder Point: Change is inevitable but growth is intentional.

Action Point: Be intentional about growing spiritually. 

Prayer Point: Father, as I begin to take in daily shots of Your Word, cause me to grow in depths and let every spiritual growth disorders be destroyed in Jesus name, Amen.

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