Tuesday, November 08, 2016

The Never Changing God

Memory Verse: "Because I am the Eternal One, I never change..." (Mal.3:6, VOICE)

Scripture Reading: Ex.3:7-15.

One very striking truth about the character of God is that, He is the same yesterday, today and forever (see Heb.13:8). He doesn't change! 

Oh how we need such a One in a fast changing world! And Moses had a proper understanding of this revelation.

Moses had made a request to God to introduce Himself to him knowing fully well that from a person's name, much can be told of the person's personality and character.

But how can such a Great Being as God introduce Himself to a mere mortal?

However, the Lord simply told him, "I Am That I Am!"

Such a powerful revelation about this Man! I'm literally screaming right now because I'm excited that I have this Man for a Father. How about you? How does this revelation make you feel?

Think about this, this Man is the God who always is, who is always relevant. Times and history are for men but not this God. Time and history has got nothing on this Man! He is always in the "now" of our lives. He is to us whatever we need Him to be! Glory!

As we go through this week, let us take some time out of our schedule just to think upon the greatness of our God. Let these thoughts on the greatness of our God saturate our hearts and minds knowing that no matter what is facing us, the Great "I Am" is up to the task.

Since He is the same (because His power remains the same), whatever He did before, He can conveniently do it again. Since He's the same, whatever He did for one, He's capable of doing the same [and even greater] for another and what a joy, that another can be you! Because His power remains the same!

What a joy to know that we can go ahead and make demands on His power today, tomorrow and for the rest of our rest of our lives.

Ponder Point: If we serve Him the way the men of the Bible served Him, we will experience Him the way they did. 

Action Point: Expect great things from God as you attempt great things for Him.

Prayer Point: Lord, cause me to experience the greatness of Your power in my life in Jesus great name, Amen.

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