Memory Verse: "But the other of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel." (Phil.1:17, KJV, Emphasis mine)
Scripture Reading: Phil.1:1-30.
While putting together yesterday's devotional, I heard the Lord ask me to put together the subject of focus for today adding that it is a much needed wisdom for the hour.
What a precious truth from Abba!
Today, just as in Paul's time, "the simplicity that is in Christ" (see 2 Cor.11:3-4) is under severe attack.
Paul was resolved, proclaiming that he was "SET,"which comes from the Greek word meaning "to lay outstretched on the ground" (literally or figuratively). Laying prostrate on the ground could be likened to an act of humility, surrender or worship. In this case, Paul is totally surrendered to his divine task of defending the Gospel.
The "Gospel" (i.e., the Good News of Christ crucified, buried and risen) has always been under attack by the devil and his minions. The woeful trend of our generation is to follow religion and stray away from "the power of God unto salvation," which is the Gospel [only to everyone that believeth]: Rom.1:16.
The truth is that many people are ashamed of the gospel. And there's no way one can defend what (s)he's ashamed of. You can only defend (resist an attack made on someone or something) what you're proud of and delighted to associate with.
The Bible foretold that in the last days, perilous times would come when people would desire religion without being born again. Many people today have 'churchianity' but lack [rugged and brutal] spirituality. The missing element is the saving power of the Gospel (see 2 Tim.3:1-5).
Paul wasn't ashamed. Are we?
Many religious people are careful not to offend other religious sects, so they retreat to a shallow "form of godliness, but denying the power thereof." (2 Tim.3:5).
Every believer ought to live in defence of the gospel (see Gal.1:6-9). I'm committed to spending the rest of my earthly life defending the raw gospel, to thwart Satan's attempt to hide the cross from the unsaved. I boldly declare that I live in defence of the Gospel.
Therefore, let God's message to us today serve as a call to all believers to return to the original Gospel as proclaimed by Jesus Himself, so we can work together, and in real-time relationship with the HolySpirit to prepare a bride worthy of Him, ready, without spot or wrinkle, when He returns.
I'm sure we're ready! Let's get up and (re) commit our lives to the brutal defence of the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Ponder Point: Believers trying to do the work of God apart from the Spirit's power is perhaps the greatest hindrance to the spread of the gospel today.
Action Point: Go over the today's devotional again. Study the verses thoughtfully and mediate on the lessons learnt.
Prayer Point: Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you empower me by this word to live the rest of my life in defence of the true gospel of Jesus Christ even as You grant me the boldness to declare same, Amen.
Nice one .....I receive Grace tl defend the gospel where ever i find myself.....Amen.