Thursday, September 01, 2016

Subtlety: The Devil's Weapon

Memory Verse: "And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel." (1 Chron.21:1, KJVLITE)

Scripture Reading: 1 Pet.5:8-11.
How does Satan oppose us? How can we be tempted? Deceived? Provoked to sin?

David experienced a particularly subtle kind of deception, with deadly consequences. He learned that God was displeased, that he had sinned greatlycommitted iniquity, and acted very foolishly. (see 1 Chron.21:8).

What did Satan do that caused David to displease God? He stood up against Israel. The scene is highly descriptive. We can picture Israel on the move: Serving God. Following His leading. Going in a specific direction. Only to have their way blocked by Satan’s presence.

How did he block their way? How did he stand up against them? He moved David to number Israel. We might assume that Satan opposes them in ways that were aggressive and bold. But the Hebrew words here tell us that Satan seduced David with soothing, pleasant thoughts.

The specific action that resulted was conducting a census. Why was this so harmful? Why was God so displeased? We need to remember that this caused David (and all Israel) to trust in themselves. To turn their attention away from God and toward the size of their army.

Satan can work in similar ways in our lives. He can be deceptive, even disguising himself as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). He can plant ideas in our minds that can seem logical, helpful, and even godly. Then, we might wonder why we are not making progress toward our God-given goals. Why we aren’t experiencing victory.

How do we keep ourselves from being deceived by the devil's weapon of subtlety? How do we stay on course? By focusing on God. Being guided by His Word. Be sure about His goals. Constantly seek His direction. Constantly submit our plans and thoughts to Him. Constantly be sensitive to His Spirit. Regardless of any other influence, let God's word have the final say. This way, we would be alert to overcome the devil's weapon of subtlety.

Ponder Point: "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour." (1 Pet.5:8, NLT).

Action Point: Sharpen your spiritual sensitivity by spending time with the word.

Prayer Point: Father in the name of Jesus, give me a clear sense of Your call on my life. Today and always, I submit my plans and thoughts to You. Help me to stay focused and alert for the devil's subtlety, Amen.

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