Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Beyond Competition

Memory Verse: "For wherever there is jealousy or selfish ambition, there will be disorder and every other kind of evil." (Jms.3:16, TLB)

Scripture Reading: Jms.3:13-18.

If there is one thing I'm exceptionally thankful to God about my person is the fact that I'm not a competitive being. Competition is not my thing: it has never been and will never be by the continous help of God.

Some people have further classified competition into two: healthy and unhealthy. Personally, I feel it's just English, competition is competition. Simple. I can't imagine God the Father be in competition (whether healthy or unhealthy) with God the Son or God the Spirit. They are one and they operate from that standpoint of oneness.

For those who view life as a platform for competition, their goal for living is entirely self. They are always scheming for opportunities for personal conquests, recognition and accumulation of resources.

And sadly, their Christian lives are no different.

But God is calling us to lead lives that are beyond [and free from] competition.

God's word is very clear that a life of competition can be misleading. It will engender bitterness and strife because it's focused on self-- self-promotion and self-aggrandisement. 

In Prov.17:1, the Bible tells us of a house full of "feasting." Feasting here simply connote [religious] activities centered on bringing glory to self.

We need to get to the point where we disassociate ourselves from [religious] activities that does not necessarily bring us closer to God.

I know that God does encourage us to have zeal for the Gospel. But we also need to be careful and apply wisdom so as not to turn our zeal into some sort of competition-- just doing thing to get ahead others.

It really doesn't matter if you're applauded or rewarded by man. Being popular doesn't add up either. What's paramount is that we have God's approval.

This should be the focus of the believer.

Ponder Point: There is a price to pay for a life that focuses on competition but the path of peace is better.

Action Point: Seek God's approval and be a good steward of the resources that has been committed into your care.

Prayer Point: Father in the name of Jesus, I give You permission to set me free from a competitive spirit in my relationship with You and man. Help me to please You with this one life that You have given to me, Amen.

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