Memory Verse: "Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him." (Gen.40:23, KJV)
Joseph had a lot to deal with at a young age and disappointment was one of such things.
He was sold by his jealous brothers, falsely accused of rape, and thrown into prison. As if that wasn't enough, he correctly interpreted the dream of the chief butler of Pharaoh, who promised he would not forget Joseph. However, as soon as he was set free, he quickly forgot all about Joseph and went on with his life.
The way and manner the chief butler forgot Joseph was so intense that the [King James] Bible had to say, 'forgat!'
Just like Joseph, we have people in our lives who let us down- maybe even this morning or last night. They may promise to be faithful but break the marital covenant. They may promise a promotion but give it to someone else. They may promise us the job but end up giving it to another. They may promise to marry you and then end the engagement. They may promise to pay back money loaned them and then avoid us at all costs and the list never ends.
What are we to do when people let us down?
Our first recourse isn't to track them down and make them do the right thing.
We get before God and seek His wisdom on how to deal with the situation. We cannot afford to carry bitterness or resentment in our hearts, as it will block our ability to hear and follow the Holy Spirit. By casting all of our cares on God, we release the unfairness of our situation and find renewed peace in the Lord.
After we've had time with the Lord, we are ready to choose forgiveness. This doesn't mean that they don't have to deal with the consequences of their decisions. It's a [conscious] release that we share with the Lord, as we have chosen forgiveness over the hurt we feel. Our forgiveness mirrors how we've been forgiven by God.
The Holy Spirit will fill our hearts with peace and an expectation of His making everything right; just like He did for Joseph.
Ponder Point: By casting all of our cares on God, we release the unfairness of our situation and find renewed peace in the Lord.
Action Point: Forgive. Release the hurt to the Lord. Trust Him to make everything right.
Prayer Point: Dear Lord, I'm tired of being disappointed by people. Help me to constantly turn my eyes to You instead of others. Show me how to release this hurtful situation to your loving care in Jesus name, Amen.
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