Tuesday, May 03, 2016

The Greatest Legacy For Your Children

Memory Verse: "God-loyal people, living honest lives, make it much easier for their children." (Prov.20:7)

Scripture Reading: Ps.112:1-10; Deut.6:4-9.

[Your] children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls, the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. And you will give account for [all] the souls of your children. Therefore, it is important you ponder on this subject before you become a parent.

We may invest countless hours and large financial resources into our children's education and other areas of their lives, but if a legacy of faith is not passed on to your children, you have failed as a parent. It is our high calling as parents and future parents to pass on a legacy of faith to our children. 

Here's how:

  1. Be an example of loyalty to God.: Deut.6:5- We are to love God with our entire being: with our heart, soul, and strength. As parents, this goes to the heart of the matter: Do our kids observe our loyalty to God? We simply cannot pass on a faith that we do not have. Set the pace.
  2. Demonstrate your faith.: Deut.6:7- Parents are to impress the faith that God has placed in their life into their kids. With all the great children and youth programs within the church today; many parents allow churches "take the wheel" when it comes to the spiritual development of their children, while they take a more passive role. But guess what? God specifically places the responsibility for nurturing a child's spiritual development on parents- not the church! Pray and fast with them regularly. Worship as a family and teach them the word.
  3. Remind your children of God's importance.: Deut.6:8-9- We do this when we talk about God at home. The goal is that the faith becomes a natural part of your children's lives instead of just saying, 'Okay, faith is what we do on Sundays and Wednesdays.' So, don't isolate spiritual discussions from the daily ebb and flow of your lives.
Today, May 3, makes it exactly 3 years my dear mother went to be with the Lord! But, I can tell you that there's nothing more important than leaving an enduring spiritual legacy for your children- even if they miss it along the way, they will always find their way back to the Lord as long as their spiritual foundation was solid. I am yet to meet parents that introduced their children to God and regretted it; but I have met countless who did not and the story is, regret. Make your choice, [future] mummy and daddy.

Ponder Point: A solid financial legacy may be important but not as important as a spiritual legacy.

Action Point: Introduce your children to God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, fan into flame a revival fire that will keep burning in the hearts of parents towards the souls of their children in Jesus name.

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