Friday, June 17, 2016

[Escaping The Tragedy of] Making Wrong Decisions.

Memory Verse: "All the assembly of Israel... spoke to Rehoboam, saying, 'Your father made our yoke hard; now therefore lighten the hard service of your father and his heavy yoke which he put on us, and we will serve you.'" (1 Kgs.12:3-4,NASB)

Scripture Reading: 1 Kgs.12:1-24.

Rehoboam's father, Solomon, had much to say about making decisions. But it seems that his son, Rehoboam, did not apply his father's advice.

When facing perhaps the first big test after becoming king, he made a series of wrong decisions, and left us with a vivid example of what not to do.

First, Rehoboam chose to listen just to friends, and reject the advice of men with experience and perspective. And he did not consider studying the record of history. He made it clear that he did not care about the impact of his decision on his people or country. He simply did what seemed best at the moment for himself. And he failed to seek God.

His mistakes remind us why it is important to be careful about whom we seek for advice, and to whom we listen. As his father observed, we should consider all options and seek a "multitude of counselors"- Prov.11:14.  

If we want to escape the tragedy of making wrong decisions, we need to be people of compassion and have the attitude of a servant. We need to consider the record of history, and learn from the actions of other people. If we seek advice we should call on mature Believers. And we need to make sure we base our decisions on principles from God's Word. This is one guaranteed way I know we will enjoy God's blessings on our decisions.

We also need to apply the advice of Rehoboam's father, and "trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding"- Prov.3:5-6.

What decisions are before you today? Learn from the mistakes of Rehoboam. Trust God. Seek Him. Obey His Word. Stay humble.

Ponder Point: "He that won't be counseled can't be helped"- Benjamin Franklin.

Action Point: Seek wise counsel.

Prayer Point: Father, I commit these matters to You (mention them to the Lord). Give me Your wisdom. Help me to discern the right decisions to take, and give me the courage to do it in Jesus name, Amen.

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