Wednesday, June 08, 2016

The Power Of [Your] Choice.

Memory Verse: "I saw the dead...standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books...They were judged, each one according to his works."  (Rev.20:12-13,NKJV)

Scripture Reading: Rev.20:1-15.

If there is ever a time we need to be conscious of the choices we make, it is n-o-w.

I read of George Mallory (the son of a minister of the gospel). It is said of him that he loved adventure and challenges. Propelled by these interests, he became an expert mountain climber.

Desperate for new experiences, in 1921, he decided to explore the world's highest mountain, Mount Everest, a peak no Westerner had even seen up close. On this first visit, Mallory and his colleagues discovered what they felt were keys to reaching the summit. Returning the next year, they managed to climb to a height of 27,000 feet. This was higher than anyone had climbed before, but still 2,000 feet short of the summit.

After this failure, Mallory struggled to decide whether to try again. He knew that a return trip would be hard on his family, but finally made his choice: He would return to the Everest and make another attempt. Unfortunately, on the 7th day of June in 1924, Mallory disappeared while he was 775 feet from the summit. He made his choice, and paid the consequences.

Every day, people make choices. Some clearly seem right. Some they regret for the rest of their lives. At times, others waver back and forth, uncertain what to do. Facing questions, many are bound by worry, fear, and doubt.

The purpose I am serving us this meal today is to remind us (incase we may have forgotten) that someday you and I will stand before God (the righteous judge), and we will be judged based on our decisions and what we have done in our individual lives. 

Are you [distinctly] living for Him? What have been your priorities? Have you been faithful with the resources you have been given? Have you completed your God-given goals? Are you [diligently] running your race?

Sweets, [re]commit your life to God, and ask for His wisdom and perspective to make the right decisions. Trust in Him to guide you.

Ponder Point: Every choice made today (no matter how insignificant they may appear) has eternal consequences.

Action Point: Beware of the choices you are making.

Prayer: Father, according to Jms.1:5, I unreservedly ask for Your wisdom. Help me make the right choices. Thank You for answered prayers in Jesus name, Amen.

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