Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Look Out For One Another

Memory Verse: "That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it." (1 Cor.12:25-26, KJV)

Scripture Reading: 1 Cor.12:12-27.

Only yesterday I saw a video on Facebook and in that video, a scene was shown where a guy began convulsing and he was thrown to the floor (this happened in a supermarket) as a result of the convulsing effect. Men and brethren, nobody looked at him a second time all the while he convulsed on the floor. Rather, a pick-pocket helped himself from the guy's pocket and took to his heels. I was touched by this guy's pain to say the least.

What a lesson for you and me. 

When any child of God falls (for whatever reason), every genuine child of God should feel the pain. We all grew up in families (at least a larger number of us) with relations and we know how it feels when one, two or some persons aren't living up to  the required [family] expectation. You know that feeling, right? The feeling shouldn't be any different in the family of God where we all profess to belong. Do you feel the same way when your brother or sister in the faith falls? Or does their falling away from the faith make you feel better about your own chances of 'succeeding' and being 'seen' or 'heard'? Baby, that is not the way it works in God's kingdom.

Listen to God's word to your heart this morning, "Share each other's troubles, pains and problems. Look out for the welfare of another. By so doing, you obey the Lord's command." (See Gal.6:2-3)

In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk.10:30-35), Jesus told of two very religious people who were too busy to stop and too 'important' to care (just like in the video I watched). He also told of the Good Samaritan who not only stopped, but also went to the side of the dying man: picked him up, took care of him and paid the price to make him well again. Then he said to His listeners, "Go, and do thou likewise." (See v.37)

Like Jesus said to His listeners, likewise say I unto you, dear readers, "Go, and do thou likewise." Live as a healer. Look out for one another. All around us today are hurting people whom we can reach if we are not too busy to stop and too important to care. Not much is required. All that's required is a heart that truly cares.

Ponder Point: The distinguishing factor between a spiritual person and a religious person is the love factor.

Action Point: Be caring.

Prayer Point: Father in Jesus name, give me a heart that truly care about others in Jesus name, Amen.

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