Monday, September 05, 2016

The Facilitator of Godliness

Memory Verse: "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."(Rm.8:11, KJV, Emphasis mine)

Scripture Reading: Rom.7:15-25.

Ever felt so angry with God for not taking your besetting sin out of your heart and life? 

I have. 

The enemy of my soul seemed so strong and I felt so weak. The righteous nature in me wanted God to stomp out all the wickedness, pluck out my overpowering sinful desires and set me free from my sins. I got so tired of fighting until I found a better way.

I read the Bible and discovered I was not the only person caught in the struggle between good and evil.

David was a man loved by God, yet he committed adultery with Bathsheba, then murdered her husband to keep him from discovering she was pregnant (2 Sam.11:1-27). He was driven to despair (see Ps.38:1-10).

The truth is, sin could overpower and destroy its victim, unless God throws him or her a lifeline of truth from His Word. 

There is a Personality that makes godly living very easy. I call Him, The 'Facilitator' of godliness. He is none other than the Holy Spirit. He empowers us to lead godly lives. He assists us in times of temptations. He is our helper and He gives us support when we are weak.

Anyone who knows how to fellowship with this great Personality by praying in tongues abundantly is a person whose spiritual life and character will be molded continuously

Jude in his letter admonishes that we build up ourselves by praying in the Holy Ghost (see v.20). By so doing, we are stirring the Holy Spirit that is in us and He's ever present to quicken our mortal bodies in righteousness. Walking with the Him is best thing that will ever happen to you in your Christian journey here on earth. 

Therefore, never neglect His Person. Like a facilitator would do, He will make your walk of righteousness a lot easier. He shows us how. Draw on His power for righteous living. He is the Spirit of grace.

In Jesus name, by the Holy Spirit's power, no more struggle with sin. Amen.

Ponder Point: "Grace is the power of the Holy Spirit coming to us free of charge to enable us do with ease what we could never do on our own without any amount of struggle and effort." - Joyce Meyer.

Action Point: Make praying in the Spirit a lifestyle. This way you are building spiritual power and leaning into grace against the day of temptation.

Prayer Point: Holy Spirit's power, quicken my mortal body into righteousness in Jesus name, Amen.

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