Tuesday, October 18, 2016

These Little Things

Memory Verse: "No one has seen God at any time. But if we love one another [with unselfish concern], God abides in us, and His love [the love that is His essence abides in us and] is completed and perfected in us." (1 Jn.4:12, AMP)

Scripture Reading: 1 Jn.4:7-21.

Have you ever met someone and thought, "There's something different about this person?"

As  believers,  we  have  to  realize  and  embrace  the opportunity  we  have  to  be  that  kind  of  person everywhere  we  go. And  not  to  bring  attention  to ourselves  or  to  make  ourselves  look  good,  but to bring attention to what God has done in us through Jesus Christ.

When  we  know  this,  we  have  the  opportunity  to  carry ourselves  differently  and  people  will notice.  

As  believers,  we  are  called  to  stand  out  from  the crowd  and  to  be  different  from  the world (see Matt.5:13-16).  The  world wants  us  to  believe  that  in order  to  stand  out  or  be  a person worth remembering, we  need  to  live below God's standards. From  blogs  to magazines  and  from  TV  shows and  films,  there  are endless  perspectives  and  opinions about  what  we  need to  do  stand  out.

But  what  does  the word of God say?

If  we  desire  to  stand  out  as  a  disciple or follower of Christ,  we must choose  to  stand  out  by  being (daily becoming) like Christ— showing  love  to  others  as  Christ has  shown  love  to us.

Don't  be  afraid  to  go  out  of your  way  to  encourage your colleagues, neighbours or even the stranger currently going through difficult phases in their life. When  others have  wronged you,  don't  post  something  on  social media  just  to  try to get  their  attention.  Get  their attention  by  showing them the  kind  of  love that  Jesus has  shown  you. When  others are  ready  to  debate  and try  to  prove  their  intelligence, be the one who uplifts instead of tearing down.

These little things  are  the  kind  of  things  that  make  a difference  and  help  point  people  to  Christ.  Be  the kind of person that makes an effort to live this way.  It makes all the difference!

So, let us go show love to someone today through a text, your presence or a phone call reminding them about the love of Christ.

Ponder Point: In the end, nothing we do or say in this lifetime will matter as much as the way we have loved one another.

Action Point: Be different.

Prayer Point: Lord, help me to be different, help me to stand out even as you help me to emulate Your love to those around me in Jesus name, Amen.

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